Episode Overview
Throughout 2022, primary health care faced many challenges. Staffing shortages, high hospital costs, and the advancement of telemedicine forced health care organizations to rethink their strategic plan heading into 2023.
In this episode of Value-Based Care Insights, Daniel J. Marino is joined by Lucy Zielinski, Managing Partner at Lumina Health Partners. Dan and Lucy analyze health care trends in 2022 and take a peek into 2023.
Key points include:
Health care leaders have felt continued pressure on finances. With an unstable economy and high hospital costs, organizations need to focus on operational effectiveness, reducing clinical variation deduction, and revenue cycle management.
Staffing shortages were a major issue for hospitals in 2022, the trend is expected to continue. Health care organizations will need to center their attention on staffing recruitment and workforce well-being in 2023.
Effective service line development will allow physicians to deliver consistent, patient-centric care.