Daniel J. Marino

Daniel J. Marino
Daniel specializes in shaping strategic initiatives for health care organizations and senior health care leaders in key areas that include population health management, clinical integration, physician alignment, and health information technology.

Recent Posts:

Optimize Surgical Performance to Improve Post-COVID Financial Woes

Episode Overview:

In this episode of Value-Based Care Insights, guest Jeff Peters, President and CEO of Surgical Directions, provides insight on the financial impact that COVID-19 has had on perioperative services. He shares with Daniel J. Marino and Shaillee J. Chopra why organizations must focus on building stronger ambulatory programs while pushing for higher patient engagement.

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Building a Hospital’s Financial Recovery Program

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Many organizations around the country are dealing with tremendous financial strain – particularly small to mid-size hospitals. These organizations face even more pressure to manage costs, which have risen sharply as they struggle to shift their operational setup while still providing care for patients. In this podcast episode, Daniel J. Marino and Shaillee J. Chopra introduce Steven Berger, principal at Lumina Health Partners, to discuss how hospitals can create a revenue plan that addresses metrics/key performance indicators (KPIs) and financial opportunities.

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Managing the COVID Surge From an Infectious Disease Perspective

Episode Overview:

As we move through the summer months, we’re seeing a potential spike in COVID-19 cases all over the country. In this episode, Daniel J. Marino and Shaillee J. Chopra talk to Dr. Michael Hill, MD, an infectious disease specialist, to understand the concerns hospital leaders must consider as the country enters the fall and winter seasons. Dr. Hill explains lessons learned from COVID from the spring season and how each lesson can help healthcare providers be more prepared to help combat COVID, a potential flu outbreak, and any other medical dilemmas that may operate in tandem.

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How to Assess Revenue Recovery and Patient Care During COVID-19

Episode Overview:

As healthcare moves into the latter part of 2020, many hospitals find themselves in a difficult financial position. Revenues are still down, however, volumes have increased (but are still below pre-COVID levels), and physicians are concerned with delivering care in a COVID-19 environment. The panel will discuss three important subtopics: revenue capture initiatives, use of data and analytics to evaluate the impact of COVID-19, and physician engagement and satisfaction.

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Revenue Recovery and Cost-Management Strategies for Healthcare Leaders

Episode Overview:

COVID-19 has left healthcare leaders scrambling to adjust to a new normal. As organizations navigate the post-pandemic landscape, leaders are looking for ways to drive margin enhancement while safely ramping up service delivery.

In this two-part series, Daniel J. Marino and Shaillee Chopra first talk with colleague Kathy Najarian to learn her top strategies for working with payers to claim the revenue lost from decreased volume during the pandemic. Next, Rick Howard shares his insights on reducing cost by managing variable costs and doing more with what leaders already have.

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Physician Leadership and Satisfaction During and Post-COVID-19

Episode Overview:

In this episode of Value-Based Care Insights by Lumina Health Partners, hosts Daniel J. Marino and Shaillee J. Chopra provide commentary on Dr. George Mayzell and Doug McKinley’s webinar about physician burnout and dissatisfaction. The episode dives into pre-COVID issues, post-COVID realities, and how to create a culture of wellness.

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How Physicians Can Embrace the “New Normal”

Episode Overview:

As physicians prepare to re-emerge from the COVID-19 lockdown, they’re facing the challenge of adapting their practice to new realities. Hosts Daniel J. Marino and Shaillee J. Chopra speak with Doug McKinley to discuss how physicians can change their mindset around the “old normal” and pivot to align with the new normal that includes new telehealth environments, new rulings, new financial realities, and new healthcare systems.

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Quality Measures and Dashboards: A Pneumococcal Vaccine Case Study

Episode Overview:

While pneumonia can be prevented, not every patient older than 65 or diagnosed with chronic diseases receives the pneumococcal vaccine (PV). Some practices aren’t even aware of their current vaccination rates or what rates they should be targeting. In this episode of Value-Based Care Insights, Daniel J. Marino and Shaillee J. Chopra talk with Vince Keenan, the chief executive officer of Illinois Academy of Family Physicians, about how a quality improvement project that Lumina Health Partners assisted with. The project focused on increasing PV rates, which gives us insight on how to address other public health issues clinicians face.

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How to Launch Telehealth Services

Episode Overview:

The current COVID-19 pandemic is putting new pressures on healthcare infrastructure and providers, challenging them to meet increasing patient care demands while maintaining the safety of staff, patients, and even entire communities.

As a result, providers are being called on to pivot their care delivery models and leverage technology, providing patient care at a distance while meeting the health and safety needs of the community.

In this two-part series, Daniel J. Marino and Shaillee Chopra first revisit Lumina’s “Patient Care in Crisis: How to Launch, Code and Bill Telehealth Services” webinar to review Dr. George Mayzell’s insights on setting up telehealth visits within a practice. Then we’ll hear Lucy Zielinski’s suggestions for documenting and billing for telehealth visits to ensure practices are reimbursed appropriately.

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How Academic Medical Centers Can Succeed in Value-Based Care

Episode Overview:

In today’s climate, academic medical centers (AMCs) struggle to understand where they fit in the value-based care arena. Leaders from AMCs across the country are challenged with finding the value proposition for their specialty services. As a continuation of the conversation in Episode 10, Daniel J. Marino and Shaillee Chopra introduce Brent Estes, senior vice president of business development for Advocate Aurora Health. Brent dives into the challenges that AMCs face when moving to a value-based care model, the different type of value-based care models that can help them advance, how to find the right structure of governance, and how healthcare leaders can manage the shift from the top down.

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